6 Simple School Lunchbox Ideas For Children

School is reopening, and your child is not the only one who is dreading this moment.
Along with the chaos of the purchase of the school supplies, like books and stationery - parents also have to worry about what their child is going to eat in school.
While there is the option of getting food from the canteen, some parents prefer to prepare a homemade meal for their kids. But, it is easier said than done.
Once food pops up as a topic, most children are always leaning towards junk food - making it harder for parents to come up with something that suits their taste but is healthy as well.
Well, cast aside all your worries! Here are a few suggestions you can consider the next time you’re putting together a meal for your child.
1. Quesadillas with fresh fruit
Kids and quesadillas go hand in hand.
Plus, they are cheap and healthy. What more can you ask for?
You can easily make them in the morning and once cold, they taste equally good. You can pack them with grape tomatoes, some ranch dressing and a slice of fresh fruit. To increase the intake of fibre, add refried beans or black beans.
2. Peanut butter & bacon wrap
Don’t make a funny face, bacon wrap and peanut butter are a deadly combo. Roll everything up in bread and let your child drown in its taste. You can pack red grapes and carrot sticks along with it.
3. Not-quite-a-sandwich roll-ups
This roll does not require any bread. All you need is to pack some lettuce, spinach and turkey together in a wrap and you are good to go. Salted edamame, crackers and apple slices go well with the meal too.
4. Veggies with Hummus
Anything that has a dip, is loved by kids. Make sure to pack some pita bread along with it. To add more protein, a hardboiled egg is an amazing addition. If your kids love pickles, toss them in, with some blue corn chips, and watermelon chunks.
It’s the perfect lunchbox when you are short on time. Just toss everything into the box and you are good to go.
5. Mini-pizzas
Put your hands up for some pizza because you can never go wrong with them.
Let your child have the honour of doing the dressing to make it more appealing. But if it gets out of hand and they’re picking way too many unhealthy ingredients - be sure to take over and keep the ingredients in check.
6. Chicken salad packed with greek yoghurt
You can never go wrong with salad.
Not only is it tasty but it’s wickedly tasty - and super easy to make from scratch. Get ready a bowl and throw in chicken chunks, salt, pepper and Greek yoghurt. Greek yoghurt is healthier than mayo and can be easily digested.
Now, just don’t forget about your yummy veggies. Toss in some lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli and spread some ranch sauce all over for a burst of flavour. You could even add some slices of applies in to get that extra crunchiness.
While all these recommendations will come in handy, at the end of the day, it’s all about making a habit to serve healthy food. And even if you do come up with a fantastic meal, you can’t do without high-quality packaging.
So, it’s time you get in touch with a packaging supplier and get some takeaway food boxes in Singapore. Especially if you’re a parent who loves packing in meals for your child all the time - you should all the more invest in a bunch so you’ll never run out of food boxes.