5 Nutritional Food Ideas to Last Throughout When Fasting

5 Nutritional Food Ideas to Last Throughout When Fasting

Fasting is when you abstain from all food and drinks for a set period of time. While it’s commonly practised in some religions and cultures, some fast intermittently for their health.

 Following the increased measures implemented during the Circuit Breaker period, most businesses have closed to work from home. Meanwhile, schools have adapted their curriculum and learning materials with the implementation of home-based learning! If you’re fasting, you might be concerned over your energy level throughout the day.

So, when fasting, look out for foods that are high in fibre as it aids in suppressing your hunger by making you feel fuller for a longer period, on top of improving cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Some examples of fibre-rich foods include nuts, beans, fruits and vegetables. Avoid salty and fried foods as they’ll leave your throat feeling parched instead!

 If you’re looking for some ideas, here are five examples of energy-rich meals you can prepare to ensure maximum productivity throughout the day!


Salmon is one of the many nutritious foods to have for your pre-dawn meal! We’ll narrow down some of the benefits for you: 

  • Great source of protein
  • High in B vitamins
  • Good source of potassium

Not only is it healthy, it’s also delicious. For a healthier cooking method, we recommend baking or steaming it. If there are leftovers, pack it into some take out lunch boxes to share your meal with others!

Dates milkshake

Although dates are naturally high in sugar, they are beneficial for you in moderation! This sweet fruit is packed with plenty of nutrients, such as Vitamin B-6 and iron. But just eating dates alone may not sound as enticing - so, why not spice it up a little with an extra ingredient - like milk? It’s high in protein and serves as a source of energy.

To prepare this, simply deseed three dates and soak it in a bottle of hot water. The next day, pour a cup of milk in and blend! Any sort of milk is excellent, from animal-based to plant-based. You can jazz it up by adding some oats or a banana!

Egg and avocado toast

Not only does it improve your digestion - avocados are a nutrient-dense food that’s very high in vitamins and minerals. To illustrate, it contains nearly 20 vitamins and minerals!

It’s also a form of healthy fat that’s sure to keep you full and satiated. Eggs, on the other hand, are an inexpensive and excellent source of protein. When served on toast, you’re getting a balanced meal to last you through the day.

Overnight oats

Want to feel fuller and healthier? Overnight oats are the way to go. Indulge in this puddling-like, creamy and cooling meal that tastes amazingly good.

Oats are rich in nutrients like fibre, carbohydrates, plant-based protein and B vitamins! It’s perfect for your stomach, heart and brain health. So, you know you’re in good hands when you have your oats with you! As you work later in the day, you’d be surprised at how awake and refreshed you’ll feel. The night before, pack it into a PET container filled with fruits, nuts, honey and milk – and you’re done. Don’t have an adequate-sized storage? Pineapple tart containers are small enough that they can also work wonders.

Roasted chicken with vegetables

You can never go wrong with chicken! Chicken is a lean meat that’s also high in nutritional value. It has a high protein content and minerals to keep your bones healthy!

Smother it with a generous amount of olive oil, herbs and seasoning, along with diced vegetables before you bake them. For added texture, toast it longer for the skin to crisp up! If you want to have it with some form of carbohydrates, bake some potatoes along with it. 


We hope the ideas mentioned above are enough to inspire you to get cooking! To save time, jot down some meal ideas for future eats. You could even prep meals to store in small plastic containers inside your freezer for your convenience.